On the 12th May I decided to take a 'short' walk to the lakes at Clennon Valley, just past nearby Paignton, I ended up at a beach called Elbury Cove about 3 miles further on where I took my blip photo for that day (click on the date to see it) the photo on the right was taken just before reaching the cove looking back at my start point.

The photos either side are of a 'dip' in the coast path that I had completely forgotten about, and yes they are as steep as they look lol, and they're only about 200 yards apart.
Next are a couple of photos taken at Elbury cove one is of an old decaying winch next to the derelict bath house, the other is of a large piece of driftwood washed up on the beach.
Once done at Elbury Cove I set off for the return journey home, heading up onto the main road and deciding to take a detour to my original target for today, Clennon Valley Lakes. Here's some of the birds I photographed there.
My last two photos for the 12th's catch-up were actually taken earlier in the day, the shot of the bee was the first photo of the day. The swan family are the ones at Youngs Park at Goodrington, just past Paignton, these are about 4 weeks old.
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