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Sunday 28 April 2019

28th April

The duckpond Spring Watch continues into another day.

Mrs Swan was shooing away pigeons that kept getting too close, they were pecking at seed that had been thrown for her, (see my blip for today 28th April) whilst occasionally standing to turn the eggs, still a great sight to see and fingers still crossed for them hatching. Mr Swan was out on the pond stretching his wings.
When he wasn't busy feeding on the algae around the edge of the pond.
Mummy Moorhen has moved back to where I first spotted her yesterday and built a new nest. but sadly it looks like Mother Nature has cruelly taken 2 of her babies, there was only five in the new nest. Daddy is still bringing food to both the babies and mum.
Baddy and Mummy Duck are still keeping their brood safe and well, the ducklings looking cuter every day.
 In the nearby bushes I suspect there's a blackbird nest with babies judging by the beak full of worms this male had when he disappeared into them.

27th April

Hello and welcome to another episode of Spring Watch...………..

That's what it's starting to feel like, a duckpond version of the tv series, it seems that almost every visit there's something going on. Todays news sees the arrival of seven moorhen chicks. I was watching Mrs Swan turning her eggs when I detected a new squeaking noise and caught movement out of the corner of my eye.
Over on a rock by the island in the middle of the higher duckpond, I spied one of the female moorhens and in front of her was a baby moorhen, that photograph is my blip for today, 27th April. Dad was nearby and kept bringing food to them.
After a short while mum got up and moved to a spot up on the edge of the other side of the island, giving me the opportunity to count four chicks. Another move by mum deeper into the island leaving the chicks with dad allowed me a chance for a full count, seven chicks, before mum returned gathered the brood together and settled down again.

Below is a selection of some of the other photos I took of the moorhen family.

Elsewhere the swans are doing good, while Mrs Swan was tending the nest and eggs Mr was down in the stream behind the nest. Mummy and Daddy duckling were on the water shepherding their brood around the pond.
Laying flat out on the ground got me this photo of one of the ducklings, along with some strange looks and a wet sleeve (I was leaning over the edge of the pond).

 Whilst one of the other adult males took flight giving me the chance to grab this shot as he came back in to land.

Friday 26 April 2019

25th April

What a day showers early doors, an appointment at the job centre, more showers around lunchtime and now storm Hannah blowing in but in between I did manage to get out and grab a hand full of shots. My blip today was of a fuchsia bush that has just started flowering, click the date to see it 26th April.

Beside the front door where I live is a planter with these beautiful yellow flowers in it, not sure what they are though. The lower shot is a crop of the top picture (its the upper left section of the flower on the left).

Down at the duckponds everyone is doing fine although I did notice that one of the ducklings seemed to be 'hobbling', (sorry no cute photos today). 
Mrs Swan was on the nest and happily turned her eggs whilst I was there. Mr Swan was resting down the other end of the pond and as I got nearer decided to stand and stretch his wings.

25th April

After hearing some slightly distressing news, from another regular visitor to the duckponds near Torquay seafront, that there was no sign of the baby ducklings I decided to pop down and take a look. As you can see from this over indulgence of cuteness all six are present and correct, and I spent an enjoyable and occasionally frustrating one and a half to two hours watching and photographing them (frustrating because the little ones move so quickly that as soon as the camera has them in focus they've moved and are out of focus again. My blip for today, 25th April, was of the happy family resting on the pondside.

 Meanwhile Mrs Swan was looking after the nest, standing up every now and then to turn the eggs which are due to hatch in about 2 weeks time. Mr stayed for a while before disappearing down the bank into the little stream, re-emerging a while later further up then taking a short flight from one end of the pond to the other (about 6 or 7 flaps of his wings)
As if getting jealous of the attention being paid to the ducklings this pied wagtail landed on the ground nearby a few times before settling on the bridge railing chirped a couple of times to get my attention, so I snapped a couple of shots, once done he disappeared.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

24th April

Due to the persistent rain this morning and an asthma assessment appointment this afternoon I have only managed to catch a few shots today, all of the of the jellyfish in Torquay harbour. I reckon I spotted over 30 round the harbour today. These are Rhizostoma Pulmo or Barrel Jellyfish (also known as bin lid jellyfish) and are apparently harmless to us humans but I don't think I would want to swim among them. The shot on the right was also my blip for today, 24th April

Tuesday 23 April 2019

23rd April

With possible rain forecast for this afternoon it was another short stroll today, so after a bit of compulsory job searching I headed down through town, along the seafront to the duckponds. All six ducklings are still present despite an attempt by one of the black back gulls swooping down to snatch one, they simply dived under the water. Left is a photo of what I believe is dad (the only male mum has not shoed away) and mum with the ducklings snuggled up to and under her.
The shot below was my blip for today, 23rd April, but is sooo cute I have to add it here as well. As I pointed the camera at them they seemed to line up and pose for the shot.
Below are two more shots of mum with her babies first sitting proudly with them in front her then with them tucked safely under her.
As I headed back towards the town centre I spotted a couple of 'eggs' (presumably left over from an egg hunt) in a tree. This one was 'occupied' though I don't know what this pair are up to 😏😜