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Sunday 3 February 2019

3rd February

After an awkward day yesterday, man-handling 2 rucksacks, 1 holdall and a guitar by train from Exmouth back to Torquay, I decided I was going to have an easy (lazy) day today. Arose at about 10 and eventually decided I needed to go look for a blip around 12.30ish. Today's blip can be seen by clicking 3rd February.
Started off looking for the buzzards that are usually around the seafront in Torquay, but when I eventually spotted them they were too high up to photograph, so I headed over to the duck ponds and took a few photos of the swans, ducks and robins there. I had to tempt the robin down with some wild bird seed.
Another robin was keeping a watchful eye from his lofty perch. I also spotted this "new" bird, what I think is a Greenfinch.
Prior to going to the duckpond I was looking around for the buzzards, during that search I spotted what I thought was a tennis ball in the bushes ;) but no it was just a blue tit.
I also noticed this tree of magpies how many can you see, why not leave your guess as a comment using the "comment" link at the bottom of this post.
Before leaving the duckponds I noticed that a pair of moorhens had ventured out from the little stream that runs alongside the ponds. These birds are very shy, every time I try to photograph them the quickly scarper, but today I managed to grab a couple of pics.  The final extra is a shot looking along the upper level of Fleet Walk, I think it looks better as its getting dark so plan to go back for another try.

1 comment:

  1. I think I see 9 (nine) magpies, unusual to see that many in one tree, unless you live in the countryside.
    Love the photos through-out your blog, so many different birds you're very lucky.
