Sooo I'm playing catch-up again, due to my internet issues, think I might have it solved now. I don't have broadband where I live, yes some of us still in the dark ages lol, so I have been using my phone as a mobile 'hot spot'. Until today I have been using Vodafone bundles on PAYG costing £20 per month for 8GB data plus unlimited calls and texts, I also had a mobile WIFI unit that was tied to EE (didn't use it much though due to costs). I knew about GiffGaff and a couple of days ago I bought a GiffGaff sim and loaded it with a £20 bundle intending to get the mobile WIFI unit unlocked, but after getting the unlock code from EE I discovered that the unit was permanently locked, arrrgggg panic. But thanks to a bit of information gleaned from a very helpful assistant in the local Cash Generator store, I discovered that all phones bought through Carphone Warehouse are unlocked (even contract phones). The long and short of it is that I can put the GiffGaff sim card into my phone, I'm even transferring my Vodafone number over so no need to worry about a new number. Best news though is that a £20 bundle on GiffGaff gives me 20 yes TWENTY GB of data, kerching.
Anyway I digress, Wednesday's for us blippers means we get out our wide angle lenses, my weapon of choice has to be my 10-20mm ultra wide angle as my 18-85mm lens has developed a fault which I'm not financially able to fix at the mo.
The subject for my blip (click the date,
20th march, to see it) like the photo on the left is St. Michels Chapel, in Chapel Woods, Torquay, a subject I've used a couple of times before. If you click on the picture to view a larger version, just to the left of the chapel through the trees you can see Torquay harbour.
The shot to the right is the chapel as seen from below. A couple of weeks again a teenager sitting on the wall by the chapel was unlucky to fall backwards off the wall, fortunately he got caught in bushes just below and was rescued by the fire service with only a few cuts and bruises, one very lucky guy.
This next shot of what I thought was a derelict shed being overtaken by the ivy, was my planned blip for Wednesdays 'Wide Weds' challenge, until I realised it was actually a much in use garage. I really hope they've sacked the gardener.
My final shot for Wednesday was a photo of what I think are primulas that shows us that no matter the differences between us we can all live in harmony :)
I'm gonna skip Thursday as it was payday for me which meant shopping and a lot of running around, I did manage to grab a couple of pics but nothing I was happy with.
And so onto Friday.
A flat viewing gave me the opportunity to grab some photos away from Torquay for a change. Sadly the viewing didn't go as planned (buses not matching up meant I was late getting to the flat and missed the letting rep by about 10 minutes) but I did grab a few shot of picturesque Dartmouth.

My blip (viewable by clicking the date
22nd March) had a little twist for the Flower Friday challenge as it is of Bayards Cove, Dartmouth where after repairing damage to their ships the Pilgrim Fathers set sail for new lands aboard the Speedwell and the Mayflower. The photo to the right shows the entrance to the derelict castle at Bayards Cove. Below is a shot looking through one of the canon arches towards the river mouth the other one was taken from the road above.
Further down at the mouth of the river stand two castles this side is of the river is of course Dartmouth castle and on the far side of the river is Kingswear Castle both visible in the photo below left. Below right is St. Petroc's church (which is part of Dartmouth Castle).
Looking back up river you get a beautiful view of Dartmouth (on the left) and the village of Kingswear (on the right).
Sorry, what was that ? Where's the colour pop photo ?
OK, here ya go this was taken just above Dartmouth Castle, I couldn't resist the mixture of the very old and the fairly new (well compared to the castle the phone box is new lol)
Well sadly nothing from Saturday partly due to rain but mainly from sorting out this internet stuff, crikey what did we do before computers and the internet.
Well now that I'm all caught up, I'm off to bed, see ya.