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Monday 18 March 2019

17th March Catch up

Well after a bit of house work I suppose it's time I ought to do a spot of catching up as the bad weather and a lack of data on my phone ( I don't have WIFI at home so have to rely on my phone to act as a router in order to connect to the internet) have impeded me since Thursday.

So my last post here was on Wednesday and to be honest since then I haven't really had many chances to take any photos. My last blip before yesterday was Thursday and was a colour pop of a couple of advertising banners on Torquay's Fleet Street (click the date for a reminder, 14th March).

That wasn't my only colour pop (my subject for the Abstract Thursday challenge of 'What does abstract in photography mean to you' or words to that effect) These other shots are actually one photo, sneakily snapped in a local supermarket, just edited differently. One highlighting the oranges and the other tomatoes. The two shots below are crops of those photos, which do you prefer?

Then came two days of strong winds and heavy showers which hindered me getting out and unfortunately not much at home to use either, plus my phone data is almost out and I can't 'top-up' until Thursday :( . But I did manage to get out yesterday (Sunday) to grab a few shots whilst dodging the occasional shower and hailstones.

 My blip was of Cockington Primary School which whilst not exactly 'derelict' has been deserted for about 3 or 4 years with some 'outside' (portacabins) classrooms being the target of arsonists on at two occasions recently, click the date to see it 17th March. My 'extras' for today start with this poor wagtail who seemed to be struggling a bit with the still quite strong breeze.

Over on the seafront I spotted this greater black back gull having his lunch, he was originally sat on the sea wall but retreated to the water as I raised my camera. He was finding it a bit of a struggle to swallow but did eventually, after about 5 minutes of perseverance, to get it down.

I then decided to head around the harbour and eventually up through town and on to home as I did so I happened stop and look across to the crane at the redevelopment site, noticing the moon slightly off the top of it a stepped slightly to my right and snapped off a couple of shots. this had the effect of  causing other people to stop to see what I was taking photos of and a couple taking their own photos.
If you are enjoying my photos why not visit my website, AGBPhotography, to see more. There's themed galleries (if you see a photo you particularly like you can 'heart' it) and also a 'comments' page to let me know what you think.


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